How to Create a PDF
If you need to create a PDF or combine multiple documents, pictures, or scans into one PDF, we suggest the methods below. Combining your items into one PDF file may make it easier for you to upload.
Option 1
While inside your text editing program (such as Microsoft Word), first paste or insert your image into a document. Edit or adjust it to display the way you want it to, and then save the document as a PDF. Most text editing programs make this simple by letting you choose the file type when you are saving it, such as in the example below.
Option 2
Create a PDF directly from a scanner or copier. Most current hardware allow you to choose PDF as an output format option instead of an image file, such as TIFF or JPG.
Option 3
Install a third party PDF creator on your computer. Some are free (such as Cute PDF) and some are commercial (such as Adobe Distiller). OIS does not endorse or support any one vendor over others. These programs install as a new printer on your computer and, if you choose this printer when you print, your computer will ask you where you want to save your PDF file instead of sending the document to a regular paper printer.